Matters election concern us all; let’s show up

Matters election concern us all; let’s show up
Matters election concern us all; let’s show up

Africa-Press – Rwanda. People aspiring to be candidates in the forthcoming general elections slated for July this year started submitting their candidatures at the National Electoral Commission (NEC) last week on Friday.

These include presidential and parliamentary candidates either representing their respective political parties or independent candidates who will meet the necessary requirements to contest in the polls which will take place on July 14 and 15.

Since they started presenting their nominations, candidates or political parties have been given an opportunity, through the media corps who have pitched camp at the commission, to briefly tell Rwandans what they have in store for them.

While these interviews are not comprehensive enough to help the electorate make an informed decision, they help give them a hunch of who could be a serious candidate even before the actual campaigns begin on June 22.

Those who have picked interest to through themselves in the fray for the different elective posts should carry the burden with the deserved seriousness and therefore must be realistic in the campaign promises they make. Lives of over 13 million Rwandans will depend on them once they sail through.

Equally, the government, through the electoral commission with support of the decentralised local leadership must vigorously scale up sensitization of the electorate to not only ensure they register for voting but also take time to familiarise themselves with the manifestos presented by candidates or political parties.

While our country has achieved much over the past 30 years, there is so much that remains undone and we must choose leaders with a clear vision to take us where we deserve to be.

The relatively steady progress we have enjoyed in the past three decades may lead to voter apathy, which is what we must all fight because it may lead to devastating results.

Voter apathy, according to political science does not just mean people staying away from the voting centre; it may also mean people simply voting in mediocre simply because they touted populist and unrealistic promises during their campaigns.

Let us all rise to the occasion because our decision today will most definitely define what or where our country will be tomorrow.

Source: The New Times

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