Canal Plus launches new educative channel for children –Nathan TV

Canal Plus launches new educative channel for children –Nathan TV
Canal Plus launches new educative channel for children –Nathan TV

Africa-PressRwanda. Canal+ subscribers can now take advantage of the new channel, Nathan TV, introduced to help children comprehend much more of what they learn in school about different subjects taught in a friendly mechanism, management has said.

Nathan TV on the channel 80, will broadcast two fundamental courses, namely, French and Mathematics, according to Canal+. The class is based in Ivory Coast with nine students and seven teachers from different countries of Africa.

Nathan TV is produced by Nathan publication in partnership with Canal+. The publication is well known for its scholar and extracurricular learning editions and it has been operational for 130 years.

Sophie TCHATCHOUA, Managing Director Canal+ Plus Rwanda, said the new channel was introduced to grant several requests of their subscribers, especially during this period of the pandemic, to have an educative program that children can follow.

Sandrine Umutoni Director-General Imbuto Foundation interacts with Sophie Tchatchoua the Managing Director of Canal Plus Rwanda during the launch of Nathan tv on October 19, 2021. Dan Nsengiyumva

“The objective is to help the child understand through mutual aid, participation and empowerment,” she said. According to her, the course materials will be delivered to French-speaking children aged between 7 and 12 years.

Madame TCHATCHOUA said, that the amazing fact is that the program has real-time students with professional teachers who were selected and trained according to Nathan system.

“This allows for spontaneous questions that the children may ask themselves behind the screen which helps them in terms of comprehension,” she pointed out.

She also reiterated that the channel will not display any advertising material for the sake of child’s focus on learning and requested parents to help their children take advantage of this educational tool “that is not here to replace school” but to strengthen the after-school revision.

Philippe Durand-Masse, Principal of École Francophone Antoine de Saint-Exupéry lauded the initiative of this educational TV Show for children, adding that the public will be the one to validate whether it is beneficial or not.

Martine Umubyeyi, Principal of La Colombiere School also commended the initiative and said it will facilitate their students to revise what they learned at school since they already use all Nathan book material.

Madame TCHATCHOUA said that they are considering adding more subjects of English, Science, and creative arts depending on the needs of the clients by next year. The new offering is accessible on original bouquets that have been available for subscribers, which are Ikaze, Zamuka, Zamuka na Siporo and Ubuki.

In this line, Canal+ has partnered with ‘Organisation A Bato’ to pay annual school fees and other school materials to 20 vulnerable children from the organization and they are planning to also support 4 schools in Kimironko, Huye, Rusizi and Rubavu.

Canal+ will also provide them with a TV set and subscription to facilitate the children with access to Nathan TV’s programs for educative purposes. Recently Canal+ Rwanda added 15 English language channels to its bouquets.

Canal+ Rwanda is a branch of Canal + International Group, a leader in the publishing of premium channels as well as distribution of pay television offers. The group is experiencing a strong growth with a major presence in European, African and Asian markets.

Sophie Tchatchoua the Managing Director of Canal Plus Rwanda interacts with participants during the ceremony of the launching of Nathan TV on October 19, 2021. Dan


Nyagahene Eugene founder of RadioTv10, Antoine Anfré, French Ambassador to Rwanda during Canal Plus Rwanda launch the Nathan tv on October 19, 2021. Dan Nsengiyumva

The ceremony of launching Nathan Tv at Kigali

Antoine Anfré, French Ambassador to Rwanda (C) during Canal Plus Rwanda launch of the Nathan tv on October 19, 2021. Dan Nsengiyumva


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