Elections: Comedian, 26, eyes seat in parliament

Elections: Comedian, 26, eyes seat in parliament
Elections: Comedian, 26, eyes seat in parliament

Africa-Press – Rwanda. Renowned actor and comedian Samson Mucyo, widely known as Sam Zuby, on May 23 submitted his candidature for the July parliamentary elections. He will contest for a parliamentary seat under the youth category and has promised to work hard if he succeeds.

Mucyo is the co-founder of Zuby Comedy, a celebrated comedy duo. They joined the comedy scene in 2019 and have since gained many followers on their YouTube, Instagram, and Tik Tok accounts where they share their videos.

The 26-year-old had the plan to run for election to be the voice of the youth ever since he graduated from high school, in 2017, but did not believe in himself “until this moment.”

“Youth represent more than 65 percent of the country’s population. That is a significant portion of the population and it is where the strength lies. I believe working together with them can bring about some changes. I have a project specifically aimed at tackling unemployment, although it’s too early to reveal details about it,” he said.

Samson Mucyo, speaks to journalists after submitting his candidature on May 23

“Today, I have submitted my candidature. If I receive good feedback, I’m ready to work harder.”

Comedy and Parliamentary ambition

Mucyo noted that comedy is a professional work like any other.

“If you look at our content, it includes educational and social-related activities like encouraging the savings culture, social contribution groups, and more,” he said.

“It is not a surprise to see a comedian as a member of parliament. The surprise would be if they get there and fail to fulfill their promises. I have learned and trained; I am nearly completing my master’s degree and I am disciplined. I cannot joke during serious parliamentary debates on matters like budget planning, performance contracts, and more.”

“I must fulfill the wishes of the people I’m representing,” he added, “We are very close to each other, and I know where to find their problems, which makes it easy to advocate for them and disseminate intended information quickly.”

Samson Mucyo, speaks to journalists after submitting his candidature on Thursday, May 23.

The ‘Miss Mulenge International’ series actor believes that his success could inspire and pave the way for many others. If not, it would still be a valuable experience.

Zuby Comedy has performed in many shows over the years, including Iwacu comedy show, Kigali International Comedy Festival in 2019. Notably, Mucyo acted in ‘Indoto’ series, ‘Umukomisioneri w’Umunyamulenge’, and many more.

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