Increased vigilance paying off in fight against counterfeit currencies

Increased vigilance paying off in fight against counterfeit currencies
Increased vigilance paying off in fight against counterfeit currencies

Africa-Press – Rwanda. Increased vigilance especially by the business community is playing a big part in identifying and arresting people, who counterfeit money or distribute fake bills.

In the latest operation conducted in two separate operations in Huye District on Friday and Saturday, Rwanda National Police (RNP) in partnership with local leaders arrested three people in Amahoro Village, Kimana Cell, Tumba Sector with counterfeit money amounting to Rwf40, 000.

One of the suspects, Maurice Ndahayo, 24, was found with forged bills amounting to Frw30,000. The duo of Eric Kabandana, 22, and William Rukundo, 20, was arrested with fake money amounting to Rwf10,000.

According to the Southern region Police spokesperson, Superintendent of Police (SP) Theobald Kanamugire, the suspects were apprehended in partnership with local leaders following a tip-off by the would-be victims.

“Police received information on Friday October 29, at about 3pm on a man (Ndahayo), who was attempting to defraud a mobile money agent in Amahoro Village. Ndahayo had defrauded the mobile banking agent, who deposited Rwf30,000 at his mobile account and paid six fake bills in the denominations of Rwf5,000. However, the agent realized that the bills were fake and reported to the Police, leading the search and arrest of Ndahayo,” said SP Kanamugire.

He added that on October 30, Police also received a call from the same village about two men, who had paid two fake notes in the denominations of Rwf5,000 at a local bar where they had taken alcoholic drinks.

“Police responded swiftly and arrested Eric Kabandana and William Rukundo at the scene.” SP Kanamugire said lauded the increased vigilance against fraudsters circulating counterfeit money. The suspects and counterfeit money were handed over to RIB at Ngoma station for further legal process.

Article 269 of Law No 68/2018 determining offenses and penalties in general states; any person who, fraudulently counterfeits, falsifies or alters coins or bank notes which are legal tender in Rwanda or abroad, notes issued by the Treasury with its stamp or brand, either banknotes or alike that have legal tender in Rwanda or abroad, or one who introduces or issues in Rwanda such effects or notes with knowledge that they are forged or falsified, commits an offence. Upon conviction, he/she is liable to imprisonment for a term of not less than five years and not more than seven years.

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