DA praises high overseas voter turnout in the 2024 elections

DA praises high overseas voter turnout in the 2024 elections
DA praises high overseas voter turnout in the 2024 elections

Africa-Press – South-Africa. As thousands of South Africans abroad cast their vote on Saturday, the Democratic Alliance (DA) said the high voter turnout overseas showed that South Africans realised the importance of the 2024 elections.

More than 70,000 South Africans are registered to vote abroad this year.

London, the biggest voting station abroad with more than 24000 registered voters, will also be open on Sunday.

DA Global Chairperson Ludre Stevens thanked those living abroad for coming out to vote.

“In Canberra, Australia, one of the first stations to open, hundreds of South Africans stood patiently to make their mark. Europe, Africa, and the Middle East followed a few hours later where queues have gathered around city blocks in cities like London and The Hague.

In Dubai, despite the intense heat, hundreds of people also gathered to vote.

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