Public Protector’s office completes Phala Phala investigation

Public Protector's office completes Phala Phala investigation
Public Protector's office completes Phala Phala investigation

Africa-Press – South-Africa. The Office of the Public Protector has completed its Phala Phala investigation and an interim report has been completed

The acting executive manager of the office’s investigations branch, Vusumuzi Dlamini, told African Transformation Movement (ATM) leader Vuyolwethu Zungula this in a letter on 20 January. ATM complained to the Public Protector.

In the letter, Dlamini gave Zungula a status update on the investigation into allegations that Ramaphosa violated the Executive Ethics Code after the theft of dollars that were hidden at his game farm, Phala Phala, in Waterberg, Limpopo on 9 February 2020.

In the letter, Dlamini said: “Kindly be advised that the investigation into this matter has been completed. The investigation team has already drafted an interim report.”

According to the communication, the interim report will go through internal review structures “for quality assurance purposes”.

Dlamini added:

He also indicated that further progress or new developments would be communicated to Zungula.

Zungula welcomed the update but indicated that progress on the investigation was taking a long time.

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