SA’s chances of survival slim if ANC remains in power beyond 2024 elections – Steenhuisen

SA's chances of survival slim if ANC remains in power beyond 2024 elections - Steenhuisen
SA's chances of survival slim if ANC remains in power beyond 2024 elections - Steenhuisen

Africa-Press – South-Africa. If the ANC survives into another election cycle as a party of national government, the chances of South Africa’s survival will deteriorate sharply, DA leader John Steenhuisen said.

Steenhuisen was in London on Monday and delivered a speech at Chatham House on the role of opposition parties, coalitions and the future of South Africa’s democracy.

He said the next two years could make or break our country.

“Should the ANC somehow manage to weather the storm just long enough to survive as a party of national government into another election cycle, the chances of the country’s survival will deteriorate sharply. But should the ANC continue to lose support at its current trajectory and become a minority party by our next elections in 2024, and should a multi-party coalition then succeed in relegating the ANC to the opposition benches – South Africa will have a fighting chance at recovery,” he said in his prepared remarks.

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The opposition party leader said a perceptible shift had taken place in South African politics.

Steenhuisen added:

He said in South Africa’s staggered election cycle, where municipal elections take place between national and provincial elections, voters had their first dress rehearsal of this change.

“But we are under no illusions about what may be in store for us in the immediate future. The final kicks of the ANC, as their factions battle for the last of the spoils, will likely bring much disruption and chaos. This is something we are going to have to navigate carefully while maintaining the integrity of our institutions of democracy. It is critical that these upcoming elections remain free and fair,” he said.

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