Sunday Times slams Dudu Myeni for ‘manhandling’ photographer outside Zuma trial

Sunday Times slams Dudu Myeni for 'manhandling' photographer outside Zuma trial
Sunday Times slams Dudu Myeni for 'manhandling' photographer outside Zuma trial

Africa-Press – South-Africa. The Sunday Times, and its online sister publication TimesLIVE, have condemned the alleged assault of its photographer, Sandile Ndlovu, by former SAA board chairperson Dudu Myeni outside the KwaZulu-Natal High Court in Pietermaritzburg on Monday, during the corruption trial of former president Jacob Zuma.

The publication said that while attending proceedings, Ndlovu spotted Myeni, “… a close confidante of Zuma, in conversation with another of his supporters, Carl Niehaus, and photographed them together”.

“However, despite being in a public place, inside the high court building near the entrance, Myeni took exception to Ndlovu’s performance of his duties and manhandled him.

“The media is entitled to report on events in court buildings, to photograph individuals and their supporters outside court, and to cover proceedings inside the court room with the permission of the presiding officer,” it added.

The publication called on Justice Minister Ronald Lamola and Chief Justice Raymond Zondo to ensure courts were places where journalists were able to work unimpeded, so as to inform readers, viewers, and listeners about cases being heard and the events around them.

More to follow.

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