Trevor Manuel threatens legal action against JJ Tabane for claiming he helped form Cope

Trevor Manuel threatens legal action against JJ Tabane for claiming he helped form Cope
Trevor Manuel threatens legal action against JJ Tabane for claiming he helped form Cope

Africa-Press – South-Africa. Infuriated by allegations made by JJ Tabane that he had a hand in the formation of Cope, former finance minister Trevor Manuel gave the media personality until the close of business on Wednesday to retract “the falsehoods”.

In a letter dated 9 May, and seen by News24, Manuel confronted Tabane regarding his interview on a podcast, “The Hustlers Corner”, which was aired on YouTube three weeks ago.

“I am compelled to address you in relation to certain statements you made relating to and concerning me, among others. During the aforementioned interview, you boldly claimed that I and several others played a role in the formation of Cope.

TREVOR MANUEL TO JJ TABANE: ‘Withdraw false, unlawful statement’ I was involved in Cope formation

“After mentioning me, you said, ‘They can deny all they want’ and ‘He (in reference to me) can be as angry as he wants’. Well, I am not angry, but I am outraged at the falsehoods you spread,” he said, adding:

The ANC national executive committee (NEC) member also bemoaned the fact that Tabane was “an experienced, highly qualified media personality”, whose utterances carried a lot of influence in public discourse.

As such, Manuel went on to say: “You will appreciate your wrongful and unlawful conduct has caused me and continues to cause me great harm.

“In the circumstances, I hereby call upon you to unreservedly withdraw the false, wrongful and unlawful statements you made of and concerning me during the aforesaid interview and ensure that your apology is prominently published in the print and electronic format media.

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“I also require you to apologise for the harm your unlawful conduct has caused and continues to cause me.

“Your statements and utterances shape and influence public opinion, more so than is ordinarily the case because of your stature and own media profile.”

He gave Tabane “until close of business on Wednesday, 11 May 2022, to comply with my above demands”, failing which, he said, he would “have no alternative but to commence legal proceedings”.

Former senior ANC member and one of Cope’s founding members, Mbhazima Shilowa, took to social media platform Twitter and cautioned against individuals peddling unsubstantiated narratives regarding the formation of the political party.

“This is all I will say about the ‘revelations’ by JJ Tabane. People should go back to what happened at the Hefer Commission, especially when my friends and comrades, Mo and Mac, faced Moerane, not to mention Vusi and Ranjeni. One would think that people then learned never to peddle lies.”

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At the time of the founding of Cope, Manuel was an ANC NEC member and he remained a member until he stepped down at the 53rd National Conference, which convened in Mangaung in December 2012.

He said Tabane’s allegations that he was involved in the formation of Cope, while an ANC NEC member, impugned his integrity.

“From my perspective, you have accused me of duplicitous conduct. This incorrect perception, unless immediately retracted and corrected, can and will take hold in the minds of the public at large, thereby undermining my standing in the broader South African community,” he said.

Manuel was finance minister from 1996 to 2009.

News24 attempted to get comment from Tabane via numerous phone calls and text messages. His response will be added once received.

In addition to Manuel, Tabane also claimed that former president Thabo Mbeki, former deputy president Kgalema Motlanthe and current Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana, among others, were involved in the formation of Cope.

Following Tabane’s allegations, ANC NEC member Lindiwe Sisulu approached the party’s president, Cyril Ramaphosa, to demand an investigation into the claim.

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