Activists urge quick consensus in Kenya-led peace talks

Activists urge quick consensus in Kenya-led peace talks
Activists urge quick consensus in Kenya-led peace talks

Africa-Press – South-Sudan. Activists are urging the transitional government and opposition groups currently negotiating the Nairobi-led peace to set aside personal differences and positions in order to move the country towards peace.

Patrick Godi, a Youth Activist for the Reconstituted Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission (R-JMEC) calls on the parties to reach a consensus.

Godi said despite the constraints in the peace process, he remains hopeful that the parties will rise above their differences.

“We urge the parties, as they embark on this dialogue, to set aside their positions, influence and other destructive statuses that de-structs from our collective goal which is peace in the country,” he said.

“We also call up on the parties to come together, not as opposing forces but as committed peace actors ready to build a consensus for a common future.”

“Of course, we are fully aware of the challenges that lie ahead, conversations will obviously be tough, disagreements inevitable. We remain hopeful that the parties will rise above these realities.”

On his part, Edmund Yakani, a civil society activist and observer to the talks, said Sunday’s presentations from the parties were constructive. He added that the government was scheduled to respond to the opposition grievances

According to Yakani, the stakeholders have displayed the spirit of sincerity, speaking with truthfulness and openness.

“We had a very constructive and effective presentations to the Non-Signatories at the capacity of their individual parties and as stakeholders,” Yakani said.

“We presented on what we think are the issues that define the problems that our country is undergoing now in terms of justice, in terms of economy, in terms of governance.”

Mr. Yakani said the unity government delegation is responding to the grievances of the opposition groups on Monday, after which negotiations will kick off the next day.

“The spirit in the room was a spirit of sincerity, people are speaking to truth.”

The high-level peace negotiation between the unity government and the non-signatory groups to the 2018 peace deal kicked off on Thursday in Nairobi, Kenya.

Some heads of state including Hakainde Hichilema of Zambia, Lazarus Chakwera of Malawi, and William Ruto of Kenya, took part in the opening of the Nairobi peace process.

Others were US Ambassador to Kenya, former African Union Commission chairperson Mousa Faki and representatives of the regional body IGAD.

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