Aweil administration reopen border with Sudan

Aweil administration reopen border with Sudan
Aweil administration reopen border with Sudan

Africa-Press – South-Sudan. The border between Northern Bahr el Ghazal State and Sudan’s Western Kordufan region have re-opened.

The border between the two states have remained closed for the past five months due to insecurity.

In January, authorities in Northern Bahr el Ghazal State decided to close its border with Sudan following the increased attacks by the Misseriya armed men.

Speaking at the opening ceremony on weekend, the County Commissioner of Aweil East, Kiir Yor Lual, hailed both governments for their efforts in restoring peace between the two villages.

He said the re-opening of the border will facilitate the flow of products and people from Sudan to South Sudan and vice versa.

“Today the high-level delegation from Northern Bahr el Ghazal State met with a delegation led by the county executive director of Merrem from the Western Kordufan region, Sudan,” he said.

“The purpose of the meeting is to officially reopen the border, which remained closed following the incidents of cross-road attacks that resulted in the killing of several people from both sides,” Yor added.

He said the reopening of the border was due to lengthy discussions held between the two sides.

What’s in the agreement?

“After the occurrence, a committee was formed to investigate and identify solutions to the problem’s root cause.”

He stated that the two parties agreed to share border management responsibilities in order to keep the border open for easy flow of people and goods.

“Of course, there are things that anger both sides, especially the people of NBGS. These are some of the issues we will discuss, and the joint border committee will follow up on the pending issues of blood compensation, especially for people who were killed in different incidences,” he expressed.

Meanwhile, Ahmed Juma Ahmed, chairman of the Sudanese delegation and executive director of Western Kordufan’s Meigan Locality, praised the reopening of the two sides’ borders.

He said the reopening of the border was an important step toward long-term peace in the region as it allows the traders to do business in peace.

“We welcome the reopening of the border as the Western Kordufan administration, as well as youth and traders. We are determined to work together to maintain our people’s peaceful coexistence,” Juma said.

“It is, therefore, our obligation, as well as yours, to maintain this harmony among our communities so that the two peoples can continue to share ideas and collaborate as one,” he added.

He urged all sides to forgive each other and forget what had occurred, and begin a new chapter of cooperation and unity.

The reopening of the border was attended by leaders of security forces from both sides and other top state officials.

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