Cure Alzheimer’s By Focusing On Gut Abnormalities, Claims New Study

Cure Alzheimer’s By Focusing On Gut Abnormalities, Claims New Study
Cure Alzheimer’s By Focusing On Gut Abnormalities, Claims New Study

Africa-Press – South-Sudan. This neurodegenerative disease most often affects an individual’s memory but other symptoms can include problems with language and disorientation, mood swings, as well as self-neglect. There are thought to be more than 50 million sufferers around the world, most aged over 65.

For decades, scientists have been trying to find a way to slow the formation of abnormal deposits of protein in the brain in order to stop Alzheimer’s disease. But a recent study by researchers in King’s College London suggests that it is the gut and not the brain that scientists need to focus on.

The study examined gut microbiomes of the patients suffering from the disease. Researchers say the tests showed that people with Alzheimer’s had a distinct microbiome as well as more inflammation markers. The latter detail, the scientists emphasised, was extremely important.

“Our gut bacteria can influence the level of inflammation in our bodies, and we know inflammation is a key contributor to Alzheimer’s. Most people are surprised that their gut bacteria could have any bearing on the health of their brain. But the evidence is mounting — and we are building an understanding of how this comes about,” said Dr Edina Silajdžić, a neuroscientist from King’s College London, involved in the analysis of samples from Alzheimer’s patients, adding that “inflammation associated with gut bacteria can affect the brain via the blood”.

In the follow-up tests, scientists treated rats’ brain stem cells with blood from Alzheimer’s patients and found that the rodents were less able to grow nerve cells. In yet another test, researchers transplanted stool samples from people both with and without the disease to rats.

“We found that rats with gut bacteria from people with Alzheimer’s performed worse in memory tests,” said Yvonne Nolan, another neuroscientist from King’s College London.

Scientists say further studies are needed to build on their findings, but they suspect that Alzheimer’s could be caused by abnormalities in the gastrointestinal tract.

Alzheimer’s has already become one of the leading causes of death for adults aged 65. More than 40 million around the world live with the disease now and this number is expected to rise significantly in the coming decades as life expectancy increases. Doctors say that leading a healthy life helps to prevent one getting Alzheimer’s.

“Current evidence suggests that we should keep physically fit, eat a balanced diet, maintain a healthy weight, not smoke, only drink within the recommended limits and keep blood pressure and cholesterol in check,” Nolan added.

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