Don’t hurry for bigger seats now, Bakosoro warns youth

Don’t hurry for bigger seats now, Bakosoro warns youth
Don’t hurry for bigger seats now, Bakosoro warns youth

John Akoon

Africa-Press – South-Sudan. The Minister of Presidential Affairs, Joseph Bakasoro, cautioned the youth against making audacious moves for bigger political seats arguing that they need to embrace gradual steps in seeking positions.

Bakasoro, who was speaking during the third South Sudan National Youth Union Convention held at Freedom Hall in Juba, told the youth that being overambitious in pursuit of powerful positions would ruin their careers.

“Youth don’t [need to be in a hurry]. Do you want to jump and go faster to reach a certain position [before your age]? That one destroys our youth. That destroys our human resources,” Bakasoro warned.

Bakosoro argued that while it is simple to assert that the youth would move the country forward, the salient question that should be asked is at what time are they going to take over the lead.

“We need all our youth to move forward and lead this country. Right? Okay, but the question is: when? Anytime? any zero hours? These are questions that our youth should ask themselves and answer. I am saying don’t be in a hurry; you analyse it, take it, or leave it. It is up to you,” he said, adding that he is just giving “a Godly advice.”

The minister also appealed to the youth to accept join the preparations for the upcoming general elections, emphasising that their inputs will be crucial in voting in new leaders.

“We South Sudanese are going for our elections whether people like it or they don’t like it. But brother and sister let us go for elections…. Young people like you are going to get old without knowing how to cast ballot paper that is a problem,” he said.

“I am appealing to all of you…let us accept it. You play a big role in electing and campaigning for the leaders you want,” Bakasoro appealed.

“I am sure that you will join the endorsement of President Salva Kiir as our flag bearer of the SPLM party, you join it and we go forward,” he added.

In South Sudan, 70 per cent of the population comprises young people aged between 30 to 40 years.

The Revitalised Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan stipulates that parties to the agreement must ensure that the minister of youth and sports must be aged 40 years and below.

Source: The City Review South Sudan

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