Drivers concerned over poor road connecting Kapoeta to Ngauro

Drivers concerned over poor road connecting Kapoeta to Ngauro
Drivers concerned over poor road connecting Kapoeta to Ngauro

Africa-Press – South-Sudan. Drivers in Greater Kapoeta, Eastern Equatoria State, have raised concerns over the poor road network connecting the gold-rich area of Ngauro to Kapoeta town.

According to them, the roads from Kapoeta to the gold-rich area of Ngauro are too poor for vehicles to pass through.

The Ngauro area of Budi County is currently the largest area of gold mining being operated by both individuals and foreign companies, which the state government largely denied operations on a large scale.

Earlier this month, an MTN Vehicle collided with a motorcycle, claiming the lives of four people along the Kapoeta-Ngauro road.

Romeo Donato, a local driver, told Radio Tamazuj that many vehicles travelling from Kapoeta to Nguaro often got stuck along the road, thus hindering the timely supply of goods and services.

He urged the government to rehabilitate and establish road bridges along the Kapoeta-Ngauro road to ease transportation and movement.

“I request the government to put some bridges in place or do something because some people are seen doing business from Ngauro to Kapoeta. The second thing I want to say is security must be provided. We want security to be tight on that road because it is not safe,” he said.

Another driver, who only identifies himself as Mwangi, said crossing Singaita Bridge and other small tributaries risk the lives of passengers when crossing.

According to him, many drivers operating along the Kapoeta-Ngauro road suspend movement due to fear of poor roads.

“When you come from Ngauro to Kapoeta, the water will block you on the road, and the landscape in Namurunyang is also not good. The only problem we need to solve is for bridges to be put on this road and Marram. This is what has been blocking us along Ngauro road because if it rains, we will not be able to cross River Singaita,” Mwangi said.

Joseph Lokodo Colombo, a Member of Parliament representing Nguaro, said road maintenance is both government and community responsibility.

He urged communities to use the available resources for local development and rehabilitation of roads linking the gold-rich areas to other parts of the State.

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