Kiir orders police officers to uphold professionalism

Kiir orders police officers to uphold professionalism
Kiir orders police officers to uphold professionalism

Africa-Press – South-Sudan. President Salva Kiir directed hundreds of police officers who graduated on Thursday to abide by the ethics of profession and protect the civil population and their properties.

Addressing the force at Dr. John Garang Mausoleum, Kiir calls on them to be friendly with the civil population.

He says police professionalism is greatly needed to respond to increasing and evolving crimes and violence in different parts of the country.

He added that it is now time for the officers to put their skills to practice after spending years in training centers.

“Your duty is the enforcement of law, to protect the civilians and their properties, you can find a country without army, but you cannot find a country without police,” he said.

“You as the police officers must work hard to professionalize the police. Police must be first professional in their duties, any work you do there should be career police in protection of civilians and their properties.”

President Kiir further called on the police officers to ensure they also protect civilians during the December 2024 general elections.

He told them to ensure the ballot boxes are safe and people tally their votes peacefully.

“We are going for elections, and when elections come, people who will have a lot of work to do are the police. Police must provide security to civilians and protection of ballots and protection of ballot boxes.”

The long-awaited graduation of the officers was attended by senior government officials, including First Five President Dr. Riek Machar and other Vice Presidents Hussein Abdelbagi, Taban Deng Gai, and Rebecca Nyandeng.

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