Labor minister condemns illegal issuance of work permit for foreigners

Labor minister condemns illegal issuance of work permit for foreigners
Labor minister condemns illegal issuance of work permit for foreigners

Africa-Press – South-Sudan. The Minister of Labor has condemned alleged misconduct in the immigration department, including the illegal issuance of a ten-year work permit for some foreigners without his official knowledge.

James Hoth Mai said his ministry staff are facing difficulties when attempting to collaborate with the immigration department in regulating foreigners working in the country.

Mai told the national parliament on Monday that his inspectors are sometimes assaulted by security agencies when they try to assess foreigners work permits.

“We have inspectors in the minutes of Labor. We send them out to go and see all the foreigners who are working here in this country without a work permit,” he narrated.

“But look, our officials are sometimes beaten by the security of those companies. The police refuse them even a chance to enter, whether in these hotels or companies.”

Minister Mai said some Chinese nationals were illegally given a 10-year work permit by the immigration department before being exiting the country.

“We had a problem with the Chinese who gave them work permits for 10 years. It was reported to us. And then they were informed by our security that ‘you people if you stay here, you will be arrested.’ Then they sneaked them out.”

“They went when we went to look for these people, nowhere they were seen, we checked the airport and they were gone.”

“So, we have a problem with our law enforcement agencies. They’re not helping us, so it is a big problem we are going to resolve it with the minister of interior.”

A work permit is a legal document that allows a foreigner to legally streamline his or her employment/work status in South Sudan.

It is issued by the Department of Alien Employment in the Ministry of Labor, and the cost of the application form is $ 100, provided that the applicant has a valid passport and not expire during the year of application.

On presentation of the bank receipt, the inspectors make the final verification and a work permit smart card is issued to the alien with a validity of one year from the date of issuance.

Minister Mai further disclosed that foreigners are not paying a share of their work permit fees to the labor ministry, but only to the Department of Immigration at the Ministry of Interior.

“We do not tax them, and this is one of our major problems. Now people are working here without work permits. They don’t come to us, but when they go out they just pay that 50% and they’re allowed to go, one time.”

Minister Mai however said the concern will be forwarded to and resolved with the ministry of interior.

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