Lawmaker pleads for Manyo returnees

Lawmaker pleads for Manyo returnees
Lawmaker pleads for Manyo returnees

Africa-Press – South-Sudan. A lawmaker has raised concerns about the worsening humanitarian situation of over 2000 returnees who were repatriated to Upper Nile from Sudan weeks ago.

Bedpiny Sabino, a member of the Council of States from the South Sudan Opposition Alliance addressed the concerns to the Minister of Humanitarian Affairs during the Tuesday’s sitting.

Early this month, Church leaders with support from the communities of Upper Nile region transported about 2,500 South Sudanese from refugee camps in Sudan to Manyo County.

The returnees set back home due to what they described as insufficient humanitarian aid in recent months of intense fighting between warring faction in Sudan.

According to church leaders, the returnee arrived during a rainy season with thousands of them currently sheltering in schools and churches in the border cities.

“If you observe this initiative of bringing returnees back to Upper Nile, we do not see any presence of the government in transporting these returnees back to the country.

“…it is a community initiative, and sometimes it is actually faith-based groups who initiate this transportation of the returnees to the country.

They returned home without food, and have been lacking medicines and shelter. “As we speak now, these people are suffering. We should at least provide for them means to settle back in their areas,” said lawmaker Sabino

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