Magwi leaders call for peace to allow agriculture

Magwi leaders call for peace to allow agriculture
Magwi leaders call for peace to allow agriculture

Theophilous Ochang

Africa-Press – South-Sudan. The state minister of animal resources, fisheries and tourism, Angelo Geri, addresses the participants at Hotel Torit [Theophilous Ochang, The City Review]

Some state government officials who hail from Magwi County in Eastern Equatoria State called on the area youth to desist from actions that are breaching peace to allow farmers to cultivate their crops.

According to the authorities, farmers are currently facing scared after the recent clashes between the SSPDF and the National Salvation Front last weekend.

Speaking during the conclusion of a two-day training on civic and political space, organised by the United Nations Mission in South Sudan(UNMISS) in Torit on Wednesday, Angelo Geri, the state minister of animal resources, fisheries and tourism condemned the incident and called for calm.

He said the government will remain committed to maintaining peace in Magwi to allow the farming communities to attend to their farms.

“Magwi is the bread basket for Eastern Equatoria and the enemies of Eastern Equatoria want to destabilize that… we shall not allow that because Magwi is the one feeding Torit and Juba,” he said.

He said the situation has returned to normal after the government arrested the situation.

“I am glad, the commissioner wrote yesterday (Tuesday) that the situation has stabilised; the government has taken a step we have already arrested the situation,” he added.

Last weekend, at least three suspected National Salvation Front (NAS) fighters were reportedly killed after engaging in a serious fire exchange with the South Sudan People’s Defense Forces (SSPDF) in Kimoru Bridge along Obbo Road, Magwi County Eastern Equatoria State.

Source: The City Review South Sudan

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