Ngor urges NBGS residents to prepare for elections

Ngor urges NBGS residents to prepare for elections
Ngor urges NBGS residents to prepare for elections

John Akoon

Africa-Press – South-Sudan. The Governor of Northern Bahr el Ghazal State, Tong Akeen Ngor, called on the community of Lou Aguer Geng to vote for the SPLM party during the upcoming election.

In a statement released by the governor’s office, Ngor appealed to the community of Lou Aguer Geng to support the SPLM party and join the ruling party.

“I know most of you have already registered, but I urge the returnees and those who were not registered to do it so quickly because elections are approaching,” Ngor said.

He reminded the members of the SPLM party and the audience that President Salva Kiir was the sole candidate of the party for the presidency.

Governor Ngor emphasised his government’s commitment to tackling critical issues in the state, such as education, health, and communication networking services.

“I want to assure you that, it is through the SPLM party that all the services will continue to be delivered, such as education, health, roads, and communication networks across the state and country at large,” he said.

Meanwhile, the community appealed to the state government to renovate their schools, particularly the incomplete Mabil School, and to provide safe and clean drinking water in the areas.

In response to the community demand, the Governor directed the State Ministry of Education to immediately complete the school’s roofing, and he contributed SSP 10,000,000 to the Primary Health Care Centre and vowed to provide two boreholes to the area’s residents.

Source: The City Review South Sudan

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