South Sudanese online suggest nicknames for country

South Sudanese online suggest nicknames for country
South Sudanese online suggest nicknames for country

Africa-Press – South-Sudan. About 2,000 social media users who participated in an Eye Radio assessment about a suitable nickname for South Sudan have suggested different names reflecting the country’s values, resources, and national cohesion.

This is because nicknames are said to be powerful things and provide great insight into the country itself.

Many countries in Africa and the world, except South Sudan, have nicknames that describe their natural landscapes, history, and diversity.

Nigeria is referred to as the ‘Giant of Africa’ for its vast land and cultural diversity.

Cuba is affectionately known as the ‘Sugar Bowl of the World’, due to its being a major exporter of the world’s sweetest product.

Japan is nicknamed the Land of Rising Sun for being from a geographical perspective, where the sun appears to “rise.”

Chile is now referred to as the Land of Poets after the country’s poets won the Nobel Prize twice (Gabriela Mistral in 1945 and Pablo Neruda in 1971).

And U.S.A. is known as Uncle Sam after Sam Wilson, a meat packer from New York, who supplied the U.S. army with beef in the War of 1812.

South Africa is the ‘Rainbow Nation’, Rwanda is named the ‘Land of a Thousand Hills’, and Egypt is called the ‘Gift of the Nile.’

Uganda is known as the Pearl of Africa, and Kenya is known as the Pride of Africa.

On July 8, 2023, Eye Radio posted a question on its official Facebook page which reads, “As we celebrate the 12th Anniversary of our independence, what nickname do you think suits South Sudan to be referred to”?

The post trended and reached nearly 40,000 people and attracted nearly 2,000 comments in less than two days.

According to Facebook analytics, it was Eye Radio’s highest-performing post, with over a 6,000 per cent performance rate.

Many South Sudanese appeared passionate about the topic and flooded the post that was also on Instagram with comments suggesting various nicknames.

Here are the most suggested nicknames for South Sudan.

“South Sudan, The Face of Africa,” proposed Kai Wan.

“The Land of Strong-hearted, Dark, Smooth, and Gainful People” said Thii Cit Arialbek from Warrap.

“The Land of Abundance” commented Riak Machar Pathot.

“Shining Star of Africa”, Nen Chuong Luk suggested.

“The Land of Great Abundance,” said Hon. Pualino Lukudu Obede.

“The Warriors of Africa”, Fresh Savat.

“Land of Great Abundance”, Gore Kuol.

“The Land of Kush”, Lau Gakov.

“The Land of Great Abundance”, Quin Viola.

From the above and many other preferred nicknames, the majority of South Sudanese support “The Land of Great Abundance” – a phrase in the National Anthem.

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