South Sudan’s Water Resources minister Manawa Peter dies

South Sudan’s Water Resources minister Manawa Peter dies
South Sudan’s Water Resources minister Manawa Peter dies

Africa-Press – South-Sudan. South Sudan’s Minister of Irrigation and Water Resources Manawa Peter Gatkuoth has died, authorities have confirmed.

Mr Manawa died Sunday morning at a hospital in the Egyptian capital Cairo, according to Minister of Information Michael Makuei Lueth.

Makuei, who is also the government spokesperson, told Radio Tamazuj that the minster was rushed to Egypt on Friday for further treatment after he suffered a cardiac arrest in Juba.

“The cause of death remains unclear. But the late was suffering from heart disease. He was admitted to a hospital for two days here in Juba, but he was evacuated to Egypt on Friday for further treatment,” he said.

“It is a great loss to the whole country,” Makuei added.

Manawa was appointed as the minister in March 2020 in line with the revitalized peace agreement that came into effect on February 22, 2020.

Manawa was a senior member of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-in-Opposition (SPLM-IO), one of the main parties to the peace agreement.

He also served as minister of physical infrastructure in Jonglei state before the conflict in December 2013.

Manawa hailed from the Lou Nuer community in Akobo County of Jonglei State.

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