SPLM-IO demands reinstatement of Petroleum Minister’s powers

SPLM-IO demands reinstatement of Petroleum Minister’s powers
SPLM-IO demands reinstatement of Petroleum Minister’s powers

Africa-Press – South-Sudan. The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-In Opposition (SPLM-IO) has urged President Salva Kiir Mayardit to reinstate powers of the Petroleum minister.

Speaking at a press conference held in Juba on Friday, the SPLM-IO’s Deputy Chairperson, Oyet Nathaniel Pierino said seek to dialogue with Kiir to reinstate the powers of Puot Kang Chol.

Chol is a member of the armed opposition movement led by Riek Machar Teny.

“We have written to the president telling him our objection to the republican order number 3/2024, how it violates the peace agreement, Article 106 of the Constitution, Petroleum Act. We expect dialogue with the president,” said Oyet.

“The republican order number 3/2024 that separated the powers has also removed the ministry of petroleum from us, and now it has become for SPLM-In Government and we are saying this order was as a result of misinterpretation and violates the constitution,” he added.

On January 31, 2024, the South Sudanese leader issued republican decree that stripped the Petroleum Minister of the powers to oversee crude oil sales as well as award and service contracts with the Joint Oil Operating Companies (JOCs).

The minister’s role was transferred to the Ministry of Petroleum Undersecretary.

“The order strips powers and functions of the minister and gives them to undersecretary which is a clear violation of the constitution which states that the minister shall be the head and his or her decision shall prevail,” stressed Oyet.

The SPLM-IO Deputy Chairperson, however, said their party’s leadership was never consulted prior to the issuance of the republican decree by President Kiir.

The 2018 revitalized peace agreement calls on the parties to hold consultation and dialogue prior to arriving at major decisions or changes within the cabinet.

According to Oyet, the SPLM-IO is entitled to nine cabinet ministries under the 2018 revitalized peace agreement, further stressing that the peace deal placed a moratorium that prevents government from creating parallel institutions.

“The order violates Civil Service Act section 14 (A) on accountability which states that the undersecretary shall be responsible to the appropriate minister. Ever since this decree came, he [Undersecretary] travels without even taking permission from the minister,” he stated

In the past, the SPLM-IO and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) have disagreed on the command structure of the unified security forces and the unilateral changes of ministers from the opposition.

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