SPLM ready to talk, says Lam

SPLM ready to talk, says Lam
SPLM ready to talk, says Lam

John Akoon

Africa-Press – South-Sudan. The Secretary-General of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) Peter Lam affirmed that the ruling party is fully supporting the idea of an inter-party dialogue to adopt a common view on holding elections.

Lam told The City Review in an exclusive interview on Friday that although the SPLM proposed a partial election leaving the members of parliament it still backs dialogue to clear other concerns.

“We have never been opposed to dialogues with other parties. We have been engaging, in dialoguing with parties within the last two years, even today the parties are continuing to dialogue including the SPLM and others,” Lam said.

According to Lam, SPLM-IO had reneged on its earlier call for dialogue after learning that the ruling party was actively rallying other parties for talks.

He added that every party showed a willingness to participate in the elections albeit with varying conditions save for the main opposition party.

“The SPLM-IO came out with their positions of rejecting the election giving their conditions, SSOA gave their position of saying that they are going for the election but they need dialogues, OPP said they are ready for the elections, the SPLM said we are ready for the election, but because of the issues that, if we go for a general election now, there are so many boxes that are going to be around and they will confuse people. So, we said let us go for the presidential and gubernatorial election,” he said.

He added that SPLM’s proposal would allow the country to have the executive election ahead of the parliamentary one which will come after the current lawmakers spend six months on making the permanent constitution.

“They (MPs) will pass it (constitution) and then the parliament can now be dissolved, and then they can go for the parliamentarian election,” Lam said.

The SPLM proposed in March but faced criticism from opposition parties like OPP, which claimed the proposal would violate the peace agreement.

In addition, a member of the National Assembly under the National Democratic Movement (NDM) party, Joseph Agau, faulted the proposal saying it was predetermined to favour the SPLM.

“This is a prohibited kind of political approach to issues. That is sometimes very volatile; because even the political alliance of the SPLM Party is shaded,” he said.

“You could find national alliance members already speaking different voices because of that prohibited statement of the SPLM,’ Agau told The City Review in an exclusive interview last month.

Source: The City Review South Sudan

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