UJOSS invites journalists to apply for specialized reporting award

UJOSS invites journalists to apply for specialized reporting award
UJOSS invites journalists to apply for specialized reporting award

Africa-Press – South-Sudan. The Union of Journalists in South Sudan has announced plans to award journalists for exceptional news reporting in November this year.

Speaking at a press conference in Juba on Wednesday, the Union’s chairperson says the award will be targeting journalists on specialized reporting.

Oyet Patrick says the aim is to promote good journalism, and professionalism and move journalists to specialize in various fields.

“The reason we think this award is very important is that it will promote professionalism, it will promote good journalism.

“We also believe that it will promote some level of specialization and we want to move away from this idea of where one journalist reports on everything,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Secretary for the Panel of Judges, Gabriel Joseph Shadar says there are ten categories of the award.

These include excellence in health reporting, economic and business reporting, education reporting, gender reporting, youth and sport reporting still photography reporting, and culture reporting

Shadar is inviting journalists from across the country to apply for the award categories and compete.

“One thing we are doing this event in South Sudan is to say we are doing something, we should not wait to be recognized by NGOs, by external bodies, and all this.

“…we will focus on everyone who is applying from anywhere in the country,” he said.

On his part commissioner for Access to Information Moyiga Nduru says he expects an inclusive participation of journalists from across the country.

This is the first time the Union of Journalists is launching a national project to award journalists in various fields.

“As judges we expect journalists to apply from any corner of the country, from Renk to Nimule, from Kapoeta to Abyei we expect every journalist to participate,” said the veteran journalist,

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