White Nile to open safe passage for South Sudanese returnees

White Nile to open safe passage for South Sudanese returnees
White Nile to open safe passage for South Sudanese returnees

Africa-Press – South-Sudan. Authorities in Sudan’s White Nile State have agreed to open humanitarian corridors to allow safe and voluntary return of South Sudanese refugees to South Sudan.

This is according to Upper Nile State Security Adviser, Mr. Jukino Fidel Nyikayo, who was accompanying a church delegation to the refugee’s camp in White Nile.

The decision comes nearly a month after the refugees said they are unable to return home as the warring factions in Sudan have blockaded them in camps with insufficient humanitarian aid.

Stranded in Kashafa and Redis 2 camps, the refugees called on the South Sudan government and relief agencies to facilitate their return home amid a dire situation as the months of war drags on.

Responding to the call, Upper Nile government and church leaders led a delegation to the White Nile State to addressee the matter.

This morning, the state security adviser revealed that the Sudanese government has agreed to open a safe corridor for the refugees to return to Wadakona town in Manyo County of Upper Nile.

“We discussed the issue of road because the road was closed, the road that from refugees’ camp to the corner, all roads were closed, but they agreed that they are going to open the roads,” Fidel said.

“We received two small cars are locks, they came from Sudan to Wad Akuna and that is a good indication that the roads now are functioning, so that are the things we discussed, with the people of White Nile.”

According to media reports, White Nile still represents one of the most under-served and neglected regions in the humanitarian responses in Sudan.

Joakino says over five hundred South Sudanese refugees who are nine camps in the western and eastern side of the river in White Nile State, are dire situation.

The refugees’ camps are Jore, Kashafa, Radif 1 & 2, Khor Warral, Um Sangur, Jamena, Halifa and Jebel Redis.

“Our people are ready to come back to South Sudan because they are living in a terrible condition in terms of food, medicines and so many things they are lacking.”

“They respond positively that they are ready to go back home, and we left three people behind to register them, and then they begin transportation of people, who are ready to come home.”

According to the UN humanitarian agency, more than 500,000 people have fled Sudan to South Sudan since the conflict erupted between the Sudanese Armed Force (SAF) and paramilitary Rapid Support Force (RSF) on April 15, 2023.

During the first weeks of the war in Khartoum, nations across the world raced to evacuate their citizens out of Sudan, but the South Sudan government said it had no plans to evacuate South Sudanese citizens in Sudan because the population is too big.

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