AfricaPress-Tanzania: BOTH JKT men and women’s teams tasted their first defeats of the season following their losses to Kurasini Heat and DB Lioness in their best of five play-off matches of the Regional Basketball League on Monday.

Both teams were unbeaten from a group stage to the best of eight, quarter finals and semifinals stages.

Prior to the defeats in best of five finals, both JKT (men) and JKT Stars (women) had won all their prior games until the late Monday.

JKT men’s squad was astonished with Monday night after they lost 54-44 to Kurasini Heat in the second of the five play-off matches. They have now tied 1-1 after JKT won 64-57 in their first match.

Thus the two met twice and each has won once. It was JKT who won first before Kurasini Heat leveled the score in the second.

JKT Stars registered who defeated DB Lioness 64-57 in the first play-off match; saw DB Lioness making a comeback with a hefty 72-57 win to level score.

In the semis JKT sealed its place to the finals after defeating Oilers 3-0. They recorded a 59-46 win in the first game and went on to win 65-54 in the second.

They maintained their dominance by beating their opponents 84-63 in their third game.

Kurasini on their hand, had a tight contest from the fierce Army Basketball Club, where despite their toughness, Kurasini registered a 3-2 victory.

Amongst the most challenging encounters was between the two which had to end 2-2 after the end of game four. In the fifth game, Kurasini Heat claim a narrow 75-74 win.

In the women’s finals DB Lioness and JKT Stars have both won once and lost once. JKT Stars took the lead in the first encounter with a 55-51 win before DB Lioness fought hard to win 72-57 in the second play-off match.

DB Lioness qualified for the final after knocking out Ukonga Queens while JKT Stars eliminated defending champions Vijana Queens.


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