Mwinyi: Register, vote to ensure CCM’s landslide victory

Mwinyi: Register, vote to ensure CCM’s landslide victory
Mwinyi: Register, vote to ensure CCM’s landslide victory

Africa-Press – Tanzania. PRESIDENT Hussein Mwinyi, the CCM’s flag-bearer for the Zanzibar presidency in the upcoming General Election, has urged party members and supporters to register as voters with the Zanzibar Electoral Commission (ZEC) and ensure they cast their votes.

“We thank members of the CCM Extraordinary General Meeting for completing the nomination process within our party in a short time. The task ahead you is to ensure that you become eligible voters and encourage others to register with ZEC, to enable them to participate in the election and secure landslide victory for CCM,” Dr Mwinyi urged.

He made the remarks after residents of Unguja, particularly in Zanzibar City accorded him a warm reception as he returned home from Dodoma where he and President Samia Suluhu Hassan were endorsed by the Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) Extraordinary General Meeting as party flag-barriers in the General Election slated for later this year.

Enthusiastic supporters thronged the streets of AirportKisiwandui-Mapinduzi square, shouting chants dotted with shrilling ululations as they received Dr Mwinyi who said that they were approved earlier for presidency in an exceptional way because of their splendid performance in implementing the CCM 2020/2025 election manifesto.

Mwinyi will be defending his seat against other presidential candidates from different political parties to be known later, but already his current First Vice President Othman Masoud Othman from ACTWazalendo has announced the intention to vie for the Zanzibar top position in this year’s general election.

“There were some individuals within our party who arrogantly believed I would not be endorsed to defend my seat. I thank the members of the Extraordinary General Meeting for their decision in confirming me as the party’s candidate for the Zanzibar presidency. The matter is now settled; let us focus on fostering unity within our party,” Dr Mwinyi said.

He also prayed for enduring peace and stability in the country, saying it remains prerequisite in achieving development goals, “without peace nothing can be done in development.”

Members of the public and party supporters adorned dresses, robes and clothes bearing the CCM party colours and symbols while singing songs in support of their candidate and the party while some local leaders of the party gave speeches that expressed their gratitude to Dr Mwinyi and Dr Samia.

A veteran politician and CCM party cadre Mr Baraka Shamte said “You have done a lot for our Island. We must give you another term in office by voting you back. I ask my fellow CCM members to vote for Dr Mwinyi when time comes.”

Similar reception and attendance is expected to be witnessed in Pemba where President Mwinyi is scheduled to visit this week.

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