We need to diversify sources of power – Biteko

We need to diversify sources of power – Biteko
We need to diversify sources of power – Biteko

Africa-Press – Tanzania. MOROGORO: DEPUTY Prime Minister and Minister for Energy Dr Doto Biteko has said the government must take deliberate measures to invest in other sources of power generation to keep pace with the increasing electricity demand in the country.

According to Dr Biteko, the increasing demand for power across the country results from the deliberate efforts spearheaded by President Samia Suluhu Hassan in opening up the country’s economy.

The Deputy Prime Minister said he is eager to see Julius Nyerere Hydro Power Plant (JNHPP)’s Number 8 and Number 7 turbines switched on concurrently so that they can both start generating power.

Dr Biteko issued the remarks when opening the Tanzania Energy Week 2024 in Dodoma yesterday, organized by the Ministry of Energy.

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He said President Samia’s quest is to see every Tanzanian getting access to reliable power.

The Deputy Prime Minister gave an example, saying the Coast Region now has a total of 37 industries that are now demanding power connection, one of which requires an amount of electricity that exceeds the amount supplied to one region.

“When President Samia opened the country’s economy, electricity demand shot up, meaning that we need to invest in other sources of power generation,” Dr Biteko insisted.

He added: “The good news is that turbine Number 8 at JNHPP is now in the final stages of completion while the contractor working on turbine Number 7 is on the trial stage.”

The Deputy Prime Minister said he would love to launch both turbines, bringing the total of operating turbines to three, a measure that will see the country having a power surplus.

He said Tanzania must sell power outside the country, saying though the goal initially seemed to be a dream, it is now going to be realized.

He said Tanzania and some neighboring countries have connected power transmission lines meant to transmit power from one state to another.

He demanded Tanesco to rebrand itself by creating a good image through offering services professionally.

He said rebranding will help it to clear the bad image it has created for years.

Deputy Speaker Mussa Azzan Zungu said currently the availability of power in the country is now improving as complaints have subsided.

Busega MP Simon Songe said the government must work on other sources of power to keep pace with the increasing demand

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