Women entrepreneurs train on climate change

Women entrepreneurs train on climate change
Women entrepreneurs train on climate change

Africa-Press – Tanzania. DAR ES SALAAM: EFFORTS to conserve the environment have received new impetus as 70 women entrepreneurs from across the country are meeting in Dar es Salaam for two days to equip themselves with skills and knowledge on sustainable and climate action approaches in their business operations.

The programme is envisioned to promote resource efficiency and circular economy among the participants and across and organised by the Tanzania Women Chamber of Commerce (TWCC) in partnership with the German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ) Business Scouts for Development (BSF) and the Employment and Skills for Development in Africa (E4D).

GIZ Business Scout for Development Advisor, Ms Lydia Koch said the scoping workshop aims to understand the different opportunities and challenges that the participants face in resource efficiency and sustainability, especially in the area of circular economy.

Ms Koch noted that in this particular context, the circular economy has been described as an economic system based on the reuse and regeneration of materials or products, especially as a means of continuing production in a sustainable or environmentally friendly way.

“The knowledge obtained from participants aims to help them to integrate sustainability and climate action into their businesses, citing an example of a person who engages in the production of clothes can re-use the pieces of garments to make other things instead of disposing them into the environment,” said Ms Koch yesterday at the opening of the two-day scoping workshop which is convening in Dar es Salaam.

“…The workshop is a baseline in identifying focus areas which can generate better programmes and projects which will equip the women with more sustainable business practices.” She said the majority participants engage in production relating to value addition and manufacturing, indicating the future requires entrepreneurs to engage in sustainable businesses that do not pose any threats to the environment but in turn generate profit.

Besides, the workshop also intends to introduce the participants to sustainable practices that aim to employ resource efficiency in their production taking into account that resources are scarce and need to be utilised by both the present and future generations.

She outlined areas to be covered during the workshop including energy efficiency as well as introducing opportunities to the participants which can be sought from the circular economy.

The GIZ E4D Project Manager Mr Faustine Msangira said the workshop is quite important for the entrepreneurs, noting that participants have a better chance to further diversify their business while generating more profits.

Moreover, TWCC’s Executive Director, Ms Mwajuma Hamza indicated extended recognition to GIZ for their continuous support in the empowerment of women by lifting them to reach their business goals. Ms Hamza indicated that the world was currently grappling to address the devastating effects of climate change which are triggered by enormous factors including the entrepreneurs’ activities.

“The platform has come to equip the entrepreneurs with skills on how to embark on sustainable business practices which are in line with smart climate action,” she noted.

The ED further revealed that the training was very important, testifying that many women in the country have done greater things through engaging in the platforms. Additionally, Ms Judith Rugamba, a participant in the workshop and retiree who engages in the production of batik said the workshop has helped her to protect the environment while also obtaining an additional income.

“Previously, I used to dispose of the pieces of garments remaining on the sewed batik but now I am using them to make many things,” said the retired Prison Officer.

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