AfricaPress-Tanzania: TANZANIA Agricultural Research Institute (TARI) is planning to intensify studies on soil, food crop and fruit seeds across all its centres, the National Assembly was told.

Making the revelation, Agricultural Minister Japhet Hassunga said the research will also be intensified in other agricultural-based academic institutions to benefit farmers and further, increase their crop yields.

That was in response to Kasulu Urban Member of Parliament (MP-CCM), Daniel Nsanzugwako observation to the National Assembly that Mubondo Agricultural Institute-Mati Mubundo had been facing a shortage of researchers and financial resources to undertake its research duties.

He asked why the institute had not been formalized to undertake soil analysis similar to Mati Mlingano in Tanga, adding that such research on food crops and fruits should also be conducted at the institute.

In rejoinder, the minister told the parliamentarian that the government is prioritising the research and intends to intensify the survey at Mubondo, however, that will depend on budget availability.

He explained that TARI Mlingano is the only research centre providing soil analysis services.

The list also includes the national centres of Tari Ukiriguru, Uyole, Seliani and Naliendele, saying: “Tari Tumbi is planning to renovate the centre to be able to provide the service.”

Apparently, Tari Ukiriguru is conducting researches on cassava at Mubondo and Tari Kihinga doing the same for sesame in Kigoma Region.

In his explanation, he noted that the ministry intends to increase research and has tasked Tari to concentrate on soil and food crops across its centres.

Mr Hassunga further said Mubondo Agricultural College is one of the 14 institutions maintained by the ministry and specifically focusing on agriculture.

It offers short and long term training to graduates awarded certificates and diplomas, who majorly specialize in beans, potatoes, cassava and vegetables studies.

In the course, the long term training enables the students to learn much on soil health and preservation ways, where between 2018/19 and 2019/20 it received three instructors to help improve its training.

It also received funding to rehabilitate some of its structures, which include the administration block and dormitories.


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