AfricaPress-Tanzania: Zanzibar has no more Covid-19 patients in treatment centres, the Indian Ocean Island’s Information, Tourism and Heritage Minister Mahmoud Thabit Kombo said yesterday.

According to Mr Kombo, all 19 patients who had been admitted in Covid-19 care centres have fully recovered and joined their families.

“We have worked hard, prayed to God, medical doctors and nurses have also made a great deal of effort to overcome Covid- 19.

We are now gradually getting back to normal life under the guidance of our leaders; Presidents John Magufuli and Ali Mohamed Shein,” the minister said. He revealed that Zanzibar recorded 137 cases of Covid-19 and six deaths.

“As we celebrate, observing health precautions is still important. Self – isolation, wearing face masks, social distancing should continue.

We have not wiped out the Covid-19,” he warned. The minister said all schools will soon be reopened as tourism activities also pick up. Mr Kombo made the remarks when gracing the event to handover food stuffs to victims of Covid- 19, donated (under Covid-19 Intervention Program) by NAMA Foundation charitable organizations from Malaysia.

Food stuff valued at more than 97m/- was distributed to 1,000 poor families directly or indirectly affected by Covid-19 in Unguja and Pemba.

A parcel containing sugar, wheat flour, and rice, cooking oil, and washing soap was given to each family.

The exercise was coordinated by the ‘Islamic Association for Education and Economic Development (UKUEM)’, An-Nahli Trust, and NICE of Dar es Salaam.

Similar exercise of supporting families hit by coronavirus was also done in some parts of Tanzania mainland. UKUEM’s Executive Secretary Mr Mohamed Ugoda said his organization is engaged in other development programs.

“We decided to work with the NAMA foundation to help families affected instead of staying idle at this time of restrictions due to the pandemic,” said Mr Ugoda.

Last month the government announced the reopening of its skies for international passenger flights.

It was established that the measure was reached after a steady slowdown in the spread of Covid-19.

Recently, President Magufuli asked the public to conduct thanksgiving prayers following the decreasing number of Covid-19 patients in various hospitals and centres across the country.

Colleges and secondary schools have been reopened for form six students to continue with studies and preparations for final examinations.

Tourists from various parts of the World have already started to land in the country as tourism businesses get back to normal.


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