Author: EDWARD QORRO in Arusha
AfricaPress-Tanzania: THE United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has challenged the youth to become a true representation of their future.

The agency’s Head of Office and Representative to Tanzania, Tirso Dos Santos noted that it was paramount for the youth to be a true reflection of their envisaged future.

The diplomat, who was also nostalgic of his youthful years when he joined the United Nations from his native country Mozambique, said the young generation harbored high hopes for their countries as far as shaping their destinies was concerned.

“What sort of future do you need; are you a true representation of the future you want to see?” queried Mr Dos Santos on the sidelines of the 23rd Tanzania International Model United Nations (TIMUN) 2020.

He further assured the more than 200 youth from in and outside the country of the UN agency’s continued support in advancing their interests.

“UNESCO will continue to engage the youth, and we’ve currently launched a special survey that the youth will be part of,” he added.

Echoing similar sentiments, Deputy Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and East African Cooperation, Dr Mwinyi Talib Haji underscored the importance of engaging the youth in making the world a better place to live.

According to Dr Haji, youth participation in the conference attested their strong commitment of realizing some of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) rolled out by the United Nations.

“A great deal of the SDG targets highlights the role of young people and the importance of their empowerment, participation, and well-being, it is therefore important to engage you,” said the Deputy Permanent Secretary.

The four-day event which was organized by Youth of the United Nations Association (YUNA) Tanzania, featured young people from Tanzania, Burundi, Kenya, Cameroon, Nigeria and the United Kingdom to discuss youth’s contribution to SDGs.


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