Zanzibar cases of Covid-19 infection reach 12


AfricaPress-Tanzania: Zanzibar has today announced that cases of novel coronavirus infection has reached 12 in the Archipelago after three more patients tested positive of Covid-19

This was announced by the health minister of Zanzibar Hamad Rashid Mohammed who said that the three new cases are all from Zanzibar and did not have any recent travel history.

The minister also announced that two patients who were receiving treatment at designated hospitals on the Isles have been discharged after completing treatment.

Earlier Tanzania’s health announced that 14 more cases had tested positive in Dar es Salaam and Arusha.

Over the weekend Tanzania’s health ministry warned that the country could soon start struggling with local transmission as opposed to the imported cases which was a major feature of the epidemic in the early days.

The new trend of infections brings a different dimension in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic which was initially thought to be from the epicenter countries such as Italy, Spain, France and the UK.


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