Bolt bolsters driver safety with a 12-hour working time limit


AfricaPress-Tanzania: BOLT, the leading ride-hailing platform in Tanzania, introduced a 12-hour per day cap for drivers to operate on the application.

Bolt Country for Tanzania, Remy Eseka said the working time limit is to ensure drivers show up for trips energetic and rejuvenated and aims to reduce road incidents resulting from driver fatigue. He said the number of hours’ restriction also allows drivers to pursue other priorities such as family needs, recreational, educational, and entrepreneurial activities.

“The safety introduction is a commitment to innovating ways to improve and enhance our platform not only for passengers but for drivers who are an important part of our business. Prioritising their mental and physical well-being is crucial to their and passengers safely,” said Eseka.

He added, “We trust this resolution will help reduce not only road accidents but also improve the interactions between drivers and passengers alike.” ESeka noted that the decision means that drivers confirming Bolt orders can only stay active for a combined period of 12 hours.

Once the 12 hours have been exhausted, the driver will be restricted from operating. This will indicate that the driver must take a mandatory break to recharge and pursue other interests before getting back behind the wheel. The 12-hour operational cap applies to cars, bajaji and bodaboda drivers.

A research study mentioned by Arrive Alive indicated that 20 percent of road accidents were due to fatigue. Simultaneously, in Africa, the issue is believed to be even more pronounced: anecdotal evidence suggested that as many as 60 percent of road accidents may be due to driver tiredness. Drivers who are deprived of sufficient breaks are exposed to neuro-behavioural effects and impairs performance of all types of work- physical and mental.

The study suggested that short-term tips for drivers to follow when experiencing problems maintaining alertness behind the wheel include: park somewhere safe and take a 15-20min nap; and have a couple of cups of strong coffee.


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