AfricaPress-Tanzania: THE East African Business Council (EABC) has urged Ministers Responsible for Transport, Health and East African Community (EAC) to convene and find a winwin lasting solution to barriers hindering the free movement of cargo across EAC borders, particularly the border between Tanzania and Kenya.

The call came a few days after the government reiterated that it was keen on bringing to an end a border tension, pitting truckers and health officials from both countries.

In a statement availed to the ‘Daily News’, the regional apex body of private sector associations and corporates in East Africa, noted that the 14-day- standstill on the movement of goods between the Kenya and Tanzania border risked business continuity and had adverse effects on intra-EAC trade.

According to EABC, there were currently over 1,000 trucks stranded on both sides of the border, a move which is significantly affecting the intra-EAC trade and movement of essential and perishable goods across borders.

“Furthermore, there is a slowdown in the movement of cargo across all EAC borders. This is disrupting regional value chains due to emerging challenges restricting the movement of truck drivers to contain the spread of Covid-19,” it said.

Quoting International Trade Centre 2018 findings, the EABC pointed out that Kenya had imported products from Tanzania valued about $175.9m while exports stood at $293.5m.

According to the EABC, EAC Partner States rely on sourcing final products, intermediate input and raw materials within the region due to the Covid-19 pandemic’s disruption of global supply chains.

“Facilitating the free movement of cross-border cargo is vital towards the economic recovery of the EAC region during and post Covid- 19 pandemic.”

It emphasised a need for concerned ministries to dialogue and reach consensus on Covid-19, while also pledging to offer support towards a public-private dialogue on cross-border trade to unblock the trade barriers, as they were detrimental to economic recovery of the EAC region.

The border tension between the two East African neighbours resurfaced after Tanzanian truckers were blocked from crossing into Kenya a week ago.

The trade tiff erupted when Kenyan authorities started blocking Tanzanian truckers from crossing Namanga border due to a lack of valid Covid-19 clearance certificates.

Responding in kind, Tanzania also started restricting Kenyan truckers from entering the country.

This happened hardly a month since Tanzanian and Kenyan leaders agreed on modalities for enabling truck drivers to cross border posts.


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