Changes are coming to control water use


AfricaPress-Tanzania: Rural Water Services Management Associations (COWSOs) established by Act No. 12 of 2009 are required to be re-registered under Act No. 5 of 2019.

Thus each water project will be managed and operated by a community registered under law number 5 of 2019 as the new law to regulate water projects instead of the number 12 of 2009.

Speaking to water stakeholders in Dodoma Region, Community Development Officer of the Rural Water and Sanitation Agency (RUWASA), Priscilla Mkilanya said the registration seeks to ensure that all registered and new water user communities are re-registered to meet the requirements of the law. new.

By re-registering these communities, it aims to meet the legal requirements, facilitate the maintenance of the maintenance section and be able to have the legal power to manage all water projects in the community and add value to projects.

Mkilanya said by re-registering the community constitution it will register to form the Community-Based Water Services Management Association (CBWSO) which is a community body created and legally registered for running and managing water projects so that you can provide sustainable water services to citizens.

Mkilanya said the government’s goal is to ensure that people living in rural areas have access to clean and safe water by 90 percent by 2025 and that the service becomes sustainable.

Commenting on the establishment of the Community-Based Water Services Management Association (CBWSO), Kongwa Council Chairman White Zuberi said Ruwasa did not dare to water water trustees due to the fact they own and do not allow the government to intervene.


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