Ali Mohamed Shein

AfricaPress-Tanzania: ZANZIBAR President Ali Mohamed Shein says he is working closely with Union President John Pombe Magufuli, to ensure that the country wins the battle against the Covid-19 pandemic.

“Contrary to what is being published and shared in the social media that Zanzibar and the Union government are not collaborating, we are doing whatever we think is right in stopping the spread of the virus,” Dr Shein said in Pemba during talks with regional leaders, urging them to ignore what is being posted on social media against Tanzania.

He said through social media, some people are trying to force them, by using the wrong approach and uncivil language to discuss and advice on how the United republic of Tanzania can address coronavirus.

“They are using social media to force us to apply lockdown and close boarders; we are not ready for that move, at least for now. Let us concentrate on educating people on how to take precautionary measures against coronavirus while they go about their work, as well as movements, trade, and agriculture to sustain economic growth,” he said.

He said Tanzania had been working with many European countries, China and beyond, and following the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines in addressing Covid-19.

Dr Shein commended the local leaders for their good job in making people observe health precautions while at work and home, but urged the leaders to help reduce fear and panic amongst them over the disease.

“You have been doing commendable job to promote health precautions in the fight against Covid-19, but in doing so you should discourage fear, worries and stress among people. Encourage them to remain active against the virus,” he said at his Chake-Chake rest house.

He said it was a frightening time as many people were still contracting the virus, with loss of lives still being recorded globally, but people should be advised not to fear too much.

He urged wananchi to stick to health instructions given by health experts such as social distancing, wearing masks, frequent hand washing and carry on with work.

State Minister (State House) Issa Haji Ussi Gavu joined Regional and District Commissioners to thank Dr Shein and President Magufuli for the serious steps they had been taking against Covid-19.


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