AfricaPress-Tanzania: ZIMBABWE ruling party ZANU-PF has called the US to stop issuing threats of imposing sanctions against Tanzania and not to interfere with the East African country’s internal affairs.

The stern warning was issued this week by ZANUPF Acting National Spokesperson, Mr Patrick Chinamasa.

“We unequivocally call upon the US and its allies, who have started threatening imposing sanctions on Tanzania to stop their unbridled interference into the affairs of our sister republic. Winning the trust of the people through such a decisive (election) victory is not a crime,” Mr Chinamasa told ‘New’. On October 28th, 2020 Tanzania held presidential and parliamentary elections, which saw Dr John Magufuli being re-elected president for his second and final term.

However, the main opposition party, Chadema has contested the results arguing the vote was rigged and is demanding a rerun.

Commenting on the election result, the US said it noted credible allegations of significant election-related fraud and intimidation.

The US is also accused of having threatened against the Tanzanian government. However, Zanu PF has stepped in and has advised Magufuli’s government to be strong, resilient and steadfast against US’s machinations.

“We implore our colleagues to take lessons and courage from us Zanu PF and the people of Zimbabwe who have stood resilient and steadfast against such machinations. The West has no colonial responsibility for Tanzania and, therefore, cannot prescribe its path to development,” he said.

Zimbabwe has been under US trade sanctions since the turn of the millennium with the West insisting the restrictive measures will only be removed when Harare implements political, economic and electoral reforms.

Speaking during the swearing-in ceremony of Dr Magufuli for his second five-year term in office at the Jamhuri Stadium in Dodoma, Zimbabwe’s President Emmerson Mnangagwa expressed gratitude to Tanzania, for leading the call to lift international sanctions against his country.

The sanctions, imposed over alleged human- rights abuses during the reign of former President Robert Mugabe, who was removed from power in 2017, are still in place despite a democratic change of leadership.

“We are also grateful because it was during that time when SADC countries declared October 25 as solidarity day against illegal sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe and resolved to conduct various activities in their respective countries on that day to resoundingly call for the immediate removal of the sanctions,” he noted.

Tanzania played a big role throughout its chairmanship of the South African Development Community (SADC) by prioritising efforts to push the international community to lift the sanctions against Zimbabwe.


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