The Loss Committee of the Hospital Committee was given a 30-day review


AfricaPress-Tanzania: Kibaha The Minister of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children, Dr Dorothy Gwajima (pictured) has given 30 days to the committee to monitor the loss of Sh 1.6 billion in the expansion of Tumbi Coast Regional Referral Hospital, actual loss.

Dr Gwajima made the remarks yesterday while receiving a preliminary evaluation of the project, following his instructions given on December 24 last year, when he visited the hospital and was dissatisfied with the construction.

He was handed the report by the Coastal Regional Administrative Secretary, Dr Delphine Magere.

“I instruct the Regional Administrative Secretary through your Evaluation Committee, conduct a thorough assessment within thirty days and identify the actual losses by reviewing the dimensions of the entire building, evaluating and advising on whether this building is suitable for public use and the condition of old buildings as appropriate. repaired and reused at a reasonable cost, ”he said.

He urged the committee to verify the legitimacy of the need for Sh 29 billion in the expansion plan by reviewing the plan drawings, identifying the reasons for the ministry to repeat the purchase of a second phase contractor A and legal compliance in the process of procuring a new contractor.

He also instructed the project, do not be intimidated by the outstanding debt until he receives a detailed assessment and directs otherwise.

During his visit, Dr Gwajima instructed the Regional Administrative Secretary to assess the existence of value for money in the implementation of the hospital’s expansion and improvement project.

Disadvantages were identified by verification of some of the functional tests and taking a few samples for laboratory tests, which indicated the existence of a significant loss if a thorough assessment could be done.

“I have received the report and it is very clear that the need for the expansion and improvement of Tumbi Hospital was estimated to be implemented at 29 billion shillings after the Government expressed interest in funding the project following the previous regional leadership plan for 2007-2009. five billion shillings, ”said Dr Gwajima.

He said so far Sh 9.4 billion has been disbursed for the implementation of the project out of the estimated Sh 29 billion. He said Sh 5.5z billion has been spent on implementation under the supervision of the Kibaha Education Corporation and the Regional Administrative Secretary and Sh 3.9 billion has been transferred to the Ministry of Health.

However, Dr Gwajima said the report identified the existence of contracts of two contractors, Suma JKT and MUST Construction Bureau contrary to Public Procurement Act No. 7 of 2011 and its amendments in 2016.


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