AfricaPress-Tanzania: Parents in Zanzibar have been urged to allow girls to join football teams as plan to design them proper and cultural -friendly kit is underway soon.

That was revealed by a Committee of Women football saying most of them would feel comfortable and respectable when playing in a respectable wear.

The proper or culturalfriendly wear, according to the committee will lure girls to join football teams and as well, it will motivate parents to allow girls to play football as they will be wearing in a respectable kit.

Explaining further, the committee’s secretary general Hawa Abdallah told reporters here the introduction of the new kit will enhance development of women football in both Unguja and Pemba as more girls and ladies will be active playing in tournaments or big leagues.

“We had gone through many challenges that women football faces here and found that lack of cultural- friendly kit has been among the notable ones,” she said.

She said parents play a big role in motivating girls and women to join football teams, hence the new kit, which will be very friendly to Zanzibar culture likely to convince many of them to allow girls into football grounds.

She said generally head gear and long shorts will be added similar to what they wear in Arabic countries. Adding, she most parents see the common football wear as sign of vagrancy and unfit for girls.


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