Charity donates items to Kyotera, Masaka Health Centres

Charity donates items to Kyotera, Masaka Health Centres
Charity donates items to Kyotera, Masaka Health Centres


KYOTERA – Salam Charity, an Islamic charitable foundation, has donated items worth sh30m to seven health centres and a hospital in Kyotera and Masaka districts.The health centres include Kiyumba HCIV in Masaka and Kalisizo hospital, Kijonjo HCII, Kyotera Muslim HCIII, Kakuuto HCIV. A delegation of more than 15 people delivered the items last week.Among the items donated are wheelchairs, mattresses, clutches, blankets, anti-malarial drugs, dewormers, food rations and soap, among others.According to Alhaji AbduKarim Kaliisa, Charity’s Managing Director, they responded to the urgent need for wheelchairs, clutches and mattresses in the emergency and maternity wards of the said health facilities.Kaliisa applauded the role the health centres play in different communities to help patients but expressed concern over the shortage of key supplies.”We donate to supplement the government’s health services. We simply reach out to ordinary people who contribute from as low as sh500 towards the fulfillment of the objectives of the charity,” he said.

Uthman Kaka Lubega, the Foundation’s Regional Coordinator, said that there are several health centres in need of support.He said that they will not wait for the government to provide but will always fundraise for the cause to realise impact upon the health, social welfare in the region.Haruna Mubiru, the Salam Charity General Manager, said the charity contributes towards health, education and capacity building of religious leaders.”There are several health centres in poor state and lack beds, mattresses and other necessities. That’s why we came in to support them,” he noted.Dr. Emmanuel Ssekyeru, the Kalisizo Hospital Medical Superintendent, said that wheelchairs play an important role in moving patients from ward to another or ward to the theatre.He added that most accident victims, pregnant women and recovering patients need wheelchairs and clutches to support their movement.Ssekyeru further noted that they receive between 250 and 300 pregnant women every month yet there are few wheelchairs to move them.”Most of them arrive in bad condition which needs the help of wheelchairs to swiftly move them to the theatres or emergency wards,” he said.


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