Sidespin for pool in 2020

Sidespin for pool in 2020
Sidespin for pool in 2020

Africa-PressUganda. 2020 was a dramatic year for pool after their president Bob Trubish was handed the second term bouncing back from a vote of no confidence. But like any other sport, pool was not spared by the coronavirus pandemic that has swept the sporting world. Only the rescheduled Kampala Open and the league were played this season.

Truncated league

The league was concluded with five games to play as Ntinda Giants and Upper Volta pool clubs were crowned men and women league champions, respectively.Alfred Gumikiriza survived a cancer scare to win the championship with Ntinda Giants in their maiden year. Ntinda Giants, who were formed in 2017 as the ‘B’ team of Hot Pool, gained promotion to the senior league the following season.With a renewed sense of direction, owner Eng Ronnie Okello, acquired the services of Ibra Sxejjemba, national team captain Gumikiriza, Joseph Kasozi, Glorious Ssenyonjo and Geoffrey Ssettumba to win the season without losing a game.Gumikiriza overtook Wasswa Kayiiya as the Most Decorated League player in pool’s history, with eight Senior League titles and a League One title. His team-mate Glorious Ssenyonjo scored 59 goals to become top scorer for the second time in three years since 2017.“This has been a miracle year for me. I cannot even tell how it rolled out. Thank God I survived cancer and winning the league was a bonus,” Gumikiriza said.Nabafu joyZaimatt Nabafu, who won her first league trophy in nine years with newly formed Upper Volta, was on cloud nine after the league triumph.Pairing with the likes of Rita Nimusiima, Sheila Ankah, captain Fauzah Namuganza and Jacinta Kajubi among others, Nabafu said the league title was a dream come true.

“It is unfortunate that we did not finish the league but the feeling of a champion feels so great. It is not a fluke since we were unbeaten,” Nabafu said during the crowning ceremony in Zzana a fortnight ago.

Her teammate and national champion Rita Nimusiima equalled Victoria Namuyanja as the Most Decorated player in the Ladies’ league after winning the sixth league title with six different clubs including; Hot Pool, Mambule, Galz, Samona, CKI and Upper Volta.

Plan for 2021

Pool of Association Uganda chairman Bob Trubish hopes for a better season in 2021.Pool was smarting from a troubled 2019 where the National Open was not held due to administrative issues. Pool is now planning for the upcoming season during a pandemic. “Our focus next year is to get major partners that will support us run the National Open and the Senior League,” Trubish said.

As the cash-strapped federation deliberates on how to move forward on the safe return of the sport whose venues – the bars – are still under lockdown, enhanced coronavirus testing for athletes would ease any lingering doubts.According to government regulations, all participants will be tested twice-a-week.

For teams, that would mean adhering to costly testing protocols that match the standards. Such is what awaits pool tournaments in this New Year.

How Upper Volta & Ntinda Giants Were Crowned

Delight. Upper Volta Ladies Team celebrate their title triumph.

The National Pool League was decided in a boardroom after some games were not played due to the Covid-19 pandemic.With three thirds of action played, Ntinda Giants and Upper Volta Pool clubs were crowned as the champions of the senior and ladies’ pool leagues respectively.Five matches were remaining for the men and the ladies had six more to go, surpassing the 75 percent mark of action.“The country wide lockdown on Sport and recreation by government, led to a resolution by the Pool Association of Uganda (PAU) Executive Committee to discontinue the league and declare the leaders as champions with current tables standing as final,’’ said Peter Kyobe, the Publicist of the Pool Association of Uganda in December

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