Take responsibility for your life, health

Take responsibility for your life, health
Take responsibility for your life, health

Africa-Press – Uganda. On Friday, President Museveni finally made the long awaited national address in regard to full reopening of the economy this year after nearly two years of lockdowns and partial openings.

Notable in the address which also doubled as his New Year’s speech, was the lifting of restrictions on the transport sector which has been operating at half capacity but will now be allowed to operate at full capacity as long as both travellers and the operators are fully vaccinated, except those below 18 years of age; Performing arts, cinemas, sports events, bars and events will be open two weeks after the reopening of schools on January 10 with standard operating procedures (SOPs) as directed by the Ministry of Health and the 7pm to 5:30am curfew that started mid-2021 will be lifted after the performing arts resume, two weeks after school resumption with the exception of boda bodas who will still be bound by a 5:30am to 7pm curfew.

While this is good news, especially for sectors that have been severely affected by the prolonged closure, and are eager to make up for lost time, we must enjoy our new-found freedom with caution.

Covid-19 is still wreaking havoc on the planet, disrupting livelihoods and cutting short lives.

On Thursday last week, the Ministry of Health reported a Covid-19 positivity rate of 22 percent, which is the highest ever recorded rate since the outbreak of the pandemic in the country.

Dr Jane Ruth Aceng, the Health minister, had earlier said that if the positivity rate goes beyond 5 percent, it indicates that the pandemic is getting out of control. (See Daily Monitor, December 31, “Covid-19 positivity rate hits record high”)

This data is not produced to create panic or doom and gloom in society but to act as a guide to appropriate and timely action to prevent catastrophe.

Therefore, as we start the New Year, and take advantage of the full reopening of the economy, let us also observe the respective health guidelines as provided by the Ministry of Health.

The President in his Friday address was right when he said, “You as a person should be answerable for your life and health…”

Take responsibility for your life and health and those under your care. We’d hate to have to return to another lockdown so soon after the reopening because of numerous severe cases of Covid-19 occasioned by general complacency in observing SOPs. We wish you a productive and safe 2022.

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