GOLD SCANDAL-Officially helping the criminals…the scandal in the handling of the scandal- Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba

GOLD SCANDAL-Officially helping the criminals…the scandal in the handling of the scandal- Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba
GOLD SCANDAL-Officially helping the criminals…the scandal in the handling of the scandal- Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba

Africa-Press – Zambia. 1. On 13th August 2023, a Whistle-Blower lifted the lid on the on-going multi-million dollar crime occuring on the Apron of the Kenneth Kaunda International Airport.

2. The matter was so hot that despite the investigations on-going, we were treated to three major press conferences in a space of two days, one by Minister of Mines and Minerals Development, Paul Kabuswe who claimed it was a small matter of iron, tin and alumunium and warned politicians not to alarm the nation.

DEC finally confirmed the major scandal announcing that it had detained 11 people, confiscated $5.7million, including guns and an executive aircraft.

Finally President Hakainde Hichilema came on to allay fears that he could be shielding State House officials allegedly involved in the brewing international scandal.

3. Minister of Home Affairs and Internal Security, Jack Mwiimbu also responded to demands of MPs and issued a Ministerial Statement.

He said the following items were found and seized from the aircraft:




602 bars of purported gold weighing about 127.28 kg:


four bars of gold, weighing 1,414.17 g, authenticated by the relevant authorities;


five pistols and eleven pistol magazines;


126 rounds of ammunition; and


one drilling machine

He stated that based on the findings, law enforcement agencies decided to charge five

Egyptians and six Zambians with espionage on the premise that they accessed the air-side, which

is a restricted area, for purposes that were prejudicial to safety and interest of the Republic of

Zambia, contrary to Section 3 (a) of the State Security Act, Cap. 111 of the Laws of Zambia.

He also stated that on the other hand, the four crew members of the Global Express jet were cleared and released from

custody and were allowed to return to their different countries.

He also confirmed that on Friday, 1st September, 2023, the DPP, Gilbert Phiri, entered a nolle prosequi in respect of the five Egyptians and one Zambian national, while the rest were committed to the High Court.

4. They hard tried to hide the crime. It became clear that a cover-up was underway anyway.

Of all the powerful people involved, undue attention was shifted and focus to a Lusaka businessman and goldsmith, Alex Kasanda. The media were carried in tow to search his house and courtrooms making him the centre of the transaction.

5.Soon the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), Gilbert Phiri discharged six key figures in the scandal following the Nolle Prosquei. Phiri ordered the relase of the five Egyptians; Walid Botros, Mounir Awad, Mohamed Gooda , Yasser ABDELGHAFOR and Michael Botros.

The Zambian suspect who also walked to freedom is Chartered Accountant and Chairperson of the Bene Mukuni Traditional Ceremony, Mulungu Oswald Diangamo.

6. Shortly after that,the Egyptians were given permission to leave the country.

7. It wasn’t long before the plane and the money followed them.

8. On Friday, 12th April, 2024 we received reports that the plane, which was under legal seizure and forfeiture ptocess was hurriedly being prepared for departure. And during the evening, the plane taxied and took off!

The Bombardier Global Express, BD-T7-700-1A10 (T-WSS) aircract belongs to IBIS Air (PTY) Ltd and World Aviation Sinai Int’l Ltd.

9. Under our laws this was tainted property and that’s why DEC, ZRA and Law Enforcement Agencies routinely seizes not only the contraband but vessels or vehicles involbed in the crimes.

10. The Drug Enforcement Commission and the DPP claim that since there was an application by representatives of IBIS Air and others before the Lusaka High Court under the Forfeiture of Proceeds of Crimes Act of 2010, Section 12, where third party can lay claim, the authorities decided to oblige and release the aircraft under a Consent Judgement.

11. Why a Consent Judgement? Why didn’t the DPP defend the seizure and forfeiture in court? Why enter into this Consent Agreement? To whose benefit and interest are we serving if such a high value property, valued in excess of $20million can be released without even the pretence of a court hearing?

12. They said everyone would face the law but they released the Egyptians, they said no assets involved in the crime will be released, but the plane has been released..they say $5.7million has been forfeited to the State….just wait, it’s a matter of time….meanwhile the poor Zambians in the case will be sacrificed…

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