Kabwata man rakes K360,000 in 5 months of posing as Chilufya Tayali’s roofing sales agent

Kabwata man rakes K360,000 in 5 months of posing as Chilufya Tayali’s roofing sales agent
Kabwata man rakes K360,000 in 5 months of posing as Chilufya Tayali’s roofing sales agent

Africa-Press – Zambia. Kabwata man rakes K360,000 in 5 months of posing as Tayali’s roofing sales agent

IN just five months of posing as an employee of runaway Facebook politician Chilufya Tayali’s roofing company, a 48-year old man of Lusaka has raked in enough cash to get the broken down CT Scan machine at the University Teaching Hospital up and running.

Residing in Kabwata, a township with a badly-dented reputation of adultery and fornication, Wisdom Maseka against wisdom decided to add his own share of delinquency to the bad record of the area.

From January this year, Maseka had been going round falsely introducing himself as an agent of Tayali’s Guangzhou Roofing Company from which he won the trust of 25 clients who paid at different intervals a whooping K361,777.

Although Maseka had been operating from Lusaka’s Buseko Market located near Matero Township, the hub of dubious dealings, he was not as lucky.

Trouble began for Maseka when his alleged clients realised that he was only available to receive their payments but not to deliver the roofing sheets.

Frustrated by the repeated encounters, the complainants were forced to report Tayali’s alleged manager to Matero Police Station leading to his arrest last week.

Police Spokesperson Rae Hamoonga confirmed Maseka’s arrest and called on anyone that may have been duped to come forward.

With Maseka under the roof of a police building, Hamoonga said 25 victims had already come forward as complainants.

“The suspect is currently detained at Matero Police Station and will appear in court soon to face charges related to these fraudulent activities.

Hamoonga further called on anyone that might have fallen victim of any similar scheme, or may have more information regarding Maseka’s scamming activities to come forward and assist police with the ongoing investigations.

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