Mangani, Msoni Pleads With Hichilema To Stop Persecution Of Former President Edgar Lungu And His Family

Mangani, Msoni Pleads With Hichilema To Stop Persecution Of Former President Edgar Lungu And His Family
Mangani, Msoni Pleads With Hichilema To Stop Persecution Of Former President Edgar Lungu And His Family

Africa-Press – Zambia. FORMER Minister of Home Affairs in the MMD government, Lameck Mangani has pleaded with President Hakainde Hichilema to stop the persecution of former president Edgar Chagwa Lungu and his family.

And All Peoples Congress (APC) president Nason Msoni has reminded President Hichilema that soon he will be a former president and should reflect on his conduct today.

During a stakeholders press conference held today, Msoni warned that the trend Hichilema was promoting will soon haunt him after leaving power.

“We are raising a red flag while there is still time to address the trajectory we are on as a country. We are on a very dangerous path and need to change course immediately.

I must remind my brother, the President (Hakainde Hichilema) that the traps set for our friends can harm us as well. A President cannot serve as both prosecutor and judge. You have criminalized opposition members and labeled them as criminals,” he warned.

Msoni observed that President Hichilema has reduced the office of the President to witch-hunt against former president Lungu.

“The office of the president has been reduced to witch-hunting former presidents. Recently, I spoke with a regional leader who called me late at night. He questioned why, whenever the government changes in Zambia, it involves arresting the former president. This practice is shameful and tarnishes our international reputation. Under the current leadership, there seem to be double standards. For example, insulting the president’s enemies doesn’t result in police action. Tribal remarks are acceptable as long as they align with the ruling party’s views. This is not sustainable,” he said.

And Mangani has pleaded with President Hichilema to focus on reducing the high cost of mealie meal, unemployment, division in the country instead of persecuting former president Lungu.

“If this trend persists, President Hichilema, his children, his wife, and anyone connected to him will face the same treatment. We have a duty to remind ourselves to follow procedures. Let the police and the courts do their work, but fairness must prevail. We cannot label everyone as criminals,” he said.

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