Millions of dollars were channeled to non-existent creditors-President Hichilema

Millions of dollars were channeled to non-existent creditors-President Hichilema
Millions of dollars were channeled to non-existent creditors-President Hichilema

Africa-Press – Zambia. President Hakainde Hichilema has said that the two months he has spent in the office have revealed how millions of dollars were channeled to non-existent creditors.

Speaking yesterday at the swearing-in ceremony of Attorney General, Mr. Mulilo Dismus Kabesha, and Solicitor General, Marshall Mubambe Muchende, Mr. Felix Nkulukusa, Secretary to Treasury and Bank of Zambia Governor, Dr. Denny Kalyalya, after parliament completed their ratification, the President said that he is shocked to learn that some suppliers have been paid more than once for the goods supplied.

President Hichilema said that he was further saddened that some firms that supplied expired drugs to Government were paid millions of dollars at the expense of Zambians, adding that there is urgent need to address all illegal dealings for the country not to lose more monies.

The Head of State urged the Attorney General and Solicitor General to address certain lacunae in the constitution as they take up their offices. President Hichilema questioned how the constitution allowed him to be sworn in without the attorney general and solicitors general.

He also urged the duo to ensure that justice is expedited in Zambia’s judicial system adding that numerous cases have taken long to be concluded. President Hichilema has also conferred Mr. Kabesha and Muchende with the status of state counsel.

President HICHILEMA also called upon Bank of Zambia Governor Denny Kalyalya and Secretary to the treasury Felix Nkulukusa to address all financial loopholes.

The President tasked the duo to address the current depreciation of the Kwacha against major covetable currencies and also address financial illegalities, adding that the Ministry of Finance was broken and needed urgent repair.

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