Politics must never be a business of cheating the people-Rev. Derrick Kalanga

Politics must never be a business of cheating the people-Rev. Derrick Kalanga
Politics must never be a business of cheating the people-Rev. Derrick Kalanga

Africa-Press – Zambia. Ndola-based United Church of Zambia (UCZ) clergy Rev. Derrick Kalanga has warned politicians that politics must never be a business of cheating the people.

UCZ St. Paul’s – Chipulukusu Congregation Minister in Charge Rev. Kalanga said political leadership must be anchored on serving the people diligently.

He said the people of Zambia want politicians who speak with actions. Rev. Kalanga branded political leaders who make promises without fulfilling them as being rhetoric.

He was speaking when immediate past Ndola Central Member of Parliament Emmanuel Mulenga handed over the ablution block he has built at UCZ Chipulukusu Congregation in Ndola on Sunday. Rev. Kalanga saluted Mr. Mulenga, the former Minister of Youth and Sports, for the gesture.

“We really thank you for identifying us and to be part of this Church family. Now you have done this (building ablution) generously. You have given the ablution as a gift to the Church and this project will stand the test of time. Whoever is going to pass through this congregation will know that there was a special member by the name of Emmanuel Mulenga because I believe you being a public figure. Yes you may be affiliated to one denomination but by the end of the day we are one in Christ,” he said.

“So you have given us and we thank you so much. This is what we want; we want politicians who speak with actions. Politicians should not just brag about theories of democracy. We need people who can be active, we need actions and of course identifying yourself with the poor of Chipulukusu Compound. We are so thankful because sometimes people look at the poor as beggars but we just come to say OK I can help here we really appreciate and we just pray for God’s favour and blessings upon your life. And I want to say to all the politicians regardless of political parties, be it in UPND, PF or MMD I want to say that we need people to take actions. We need to work together; we need to uphold our country Zambia. Our one Zambia one nation and we need to work for the people,” Rev. Kalanga. He said political leadership should be about uplifting the living standards of the people.

“And I want to say that politics must never be a business of cheating but a business of uplifting the living standards of the people. We may differ in ideologies but we need to come together for the development of our country. Therefore if you want to be prudent as a politician then your actions will speak for you and not your words. Somebody said that if you tell people that I did this, I did that then you are a liar. Let what you have done speak for you. What are you doing? When you talk about politics, no one can do this for you, I can do this for you and then you are there for many years and years or maybe for time we don’t see anything then you are just a rhetoric. You are just speaking something that we can sing. We need people like abaume pa baume aba bomba. So Mulenga you have been different, we thank you for that and you have been different mwatulanga ati mulabomba. Not with words but with actions. Efyo tufwaya,” Rev. Kalanga.

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