President HH, A Clique of Liars, and Cipante Pante Policies

President HH, A Clique of Liars, and Cipante Pante Policies
President HH, A Clique of Liars, and Cipante Pante Policies

Africa-Press – Zambia. President HH’s legacy will be destroyed by a clique of liars in the New Dark Regime; men and women whose interests are their bellies. To speak truth to him they fear, so they undress themselves as babies in diapers without any sense of decency. During Cabinet Meetings, they put their tails between their legs–willing to kiss the Big Man’s boots to retain their jobs as opposed to telling him what he does not need to hear–the truth.

In January, the new school year begins, but no headteacher, teacher or parent knows what to do with his new education policy. People don’t even know that boarding fees are not abolished, but tuition and PTA fees. This needs to be communicated clearly to the public. If bursaries for boarding fees are to be processed at the Ward level for the coming term, this has to happen by January. Is it viable?

In a democratic world, the New Dark Regime would have first consulted with teachers, head teachers and parents and then put the system in place before making any changes. That is why we conduct policy studies by experts before making policy changes Mr. Baby President. As it is, it is undemocratic, and a disruption to the education system.

In their SpongeBob world, prices are going down, salaries are going up, the Kwacha is appreciating, and Zambia is soon to be heaven on Earth–after all, didn’t Mutati tell the nation Zambia will launch its own satellite in 2 years?

Similarly, the K26 million granted to each Constituency sounds great, but the question is how will it be administered? It would involve setting up new personnel infrastructures at all levels. What instruments will be in place to ensure that these funds are not politicized or misused? Again, transparency in the development of an uniform apolitical instrument of accountability for such funds before releasing them would need to be in place first. Zambians should have had a say, and not just the President. Unless his Cabinet has no adults, the PF cipante pante policies are back with the New Dark Regime.

Am I surprised? Not at all. The privatization process President HH conducted was just as chaotic–so Zambia, fasten your belts for the rough ride. But at your own risk–who are you to speak against Bally, our new god? Whatever he does is good–to question his judgment is sinful.

I have truly earned my place among hegemonists, thieves, and tribalists. The only problem is, unlike other regimes, Baal worshipers are too wise to accept the fact that their god won’t bring fire down! In their SpongeBob world, prices are going down, salaries are going up, the Kwacha is appreciating, and Zambia is soon to be heaven on Earth–after all, didn’t Mutati tell the nation Zambia will launch its own satellite in 2 years? Only if we can all worship Baal and believe without questioning. We don’t have sanitation or running water in most of the nation, yet Mutati thinks Science and Technology is all about Satelites. That’s why I refuse to join this foolish cult. I don’t campaign for jobs from politicians. I oppose bad leadership, corruption and misappropriation of public resources when I see it. I love my country and I will never join a Big Man cult; neither do I believe in being neutral to injustice.

The HH Administration cannot rebrand itself without addressing two democratic benchmarks–leadership style and credibility. So far, HH’s manner of leadership has proved to be dictatorial. He rules by decree. His arrogance is driven by ignorance planted in the cult of the Big Man–the tendency that is highly threatening. Nobody is willing to speak the truth to him–the vultures around him want carcasses to feed on. Is it not our god Baal who decree Zambian coffers to be empty? So why bring back District Commissioners? Do we really need them? Well it is the New Dark Regime! Just believe the New–the rest is old!

The second is addressing the many promises he made to the nation. So far, a clique of liars is what the New Dark Regime is. There is nothing wrong with saying I made a mistake–but to develop amnesia even when video evidence exists is simply insane! Why shouldn’t we call it a lie if he backtracks on what he promised? To us Baal worshipers, because our god didn’t mean it. But if you call it a lie, you are part of the clique of thieves, hegemonists and tribalists.

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