UKWA And PF Claims Police To Arrest Edgar Lungu By 04:30 Tomorrow

UKWA And PF Claims Police To Arrest Edgar Lungu By 04:30 Tomorrow
UKWA And PF Claims Police To Arrest Edgar Lungu By 04:30 Tomorrow

Africa-Press – Zambia. The opposition PF says it has information that Police plans ambush and arrest it’s leader and former president Edgar Lungu.

The PF says the arrest is planned for the early hours of Wednesday and it has since called on its members to be on standby.

“Plot to arrest former President Edgar Lungu is aloof after the complaint by Kabwata UPND youths. Be on stand-by Family,” the PF stated to it’s members on a brief message on Facebook.

The Police has not said anything to this effect though two days ago their Minister warned that Lungu only enjoyed immunity against prosecution for the period he served as president.

Lungu however at a Church service said he was not afraid of anyone. He said people’s power is what is more paramount.

official Patriotic Front – PF writes:

Zambia police directed to ambush and arrest Former President, Edgar Chagwa Lungu by 04:30 of Wednesday this coming morning.

Credible Sources have revealed by Police Headquarters has instructed all riot gear units to meet exactly at Command Center in Sikanza Police Camp in readiness to ambush and forcefully arrest president Lungu.

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